Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What happens to your personal information after you provide it our company?

We will use your email address to send you an email confirmation of the purchase.

You IP address will be recorded automatically when you browse this website. This allows us to know the details about your system and your browser.

If you agree to receive our newsletters we will inform you of any new product, store and other pertinent information.

Section 2: Consent

What is the most effective way to get my permission?

If you supply us with your personal details to pay, verify your credit card\’s number, complete the transaction online, or to arrange for delivery, return or exchange of a product by implication, you consent to the collection and use for this specific reason for only that purpose.

We\’ll ask for consent or give you the option to reject if the information we collect is used in ways that aren\’t related.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some cases it is possible for us to share personal data if the law demands it or you have breached our terms and conditions.


The majority of the service providers of third parties employing us only collect, share, and save your information for the necessary amount to deliver the services.

A few third-party vendors including payment processors and payment gateways are covered by privacy guidelines that govern the information we have to disclose in order for your transaction to take place.

It is essential to read privacy guidelines and know the way they handle your personal information.

Keep in mind that third party providers may operate in jurisdictions that are different than yours and ours. Your personal information could be subjected to legislation of country in which their facilities are or have their facilities.

Section 5. Section 5.

We protect your private information using the greatest care we have.

Information you provide us with is encoded using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and AES-256. Even though there are no 100-percent secure electronic methods of transmission as well as storage follow industry-wide standards.


By using this website that you meet the age minimum in the state or province where you reside, or you satisfy the minimum age requirements in the state or provincial residence that you reside in. You have also agreed to permit minors dependent on you to use this site.